Book: Manage Your Stress for a Happier Life

Manage Your Stress for a Happier Life is a self-help step-by-step guide to dealing with stress, leading to a healthier, more relaxed and enjoyable way of life. Written by the founders of Stresswise, Professor Terry Looker and Dr Olga Gregson, the book is based on their experience of presenting stress management courses to organisations and individuals. Their stress management philosphy and programme was developed from many years of research and teaching in cardiovascular physiology and behavioural physiology.

Contents         Forward           Comments and Reviews

Recently Manage Your Stress for a Happier Life was chosen by experts for the Reading Well Books on Prescription scheme which is supported by the Royal Colleges of GP's, Nursing and Psychiatrists, the British Association for Cognitive Behaviour and Psychotherapies and the Department of Health.

Professor Louis Appleby C.B.E reviewed an earlier edition of Mangage Your Stress for a Happier Life for All in the Mind BBC Radio 4:" offers down to earth advice on relaxing and adjusting to the demands of daily life .... it is scientifically sound and more or less purged of scientific jargon."

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